Thursday, August 6, 2015


I guess, my monitoring of the adventures of Pinoy teleseryes in Central Asia has led me to discover  the Pinoy teleseryes themselves. The rainy weekend gave me time to watch the first episode of Be Careful With My Heart (which I didn't like) and the first episode (still in Tagalog) of Got To Believe in one of the VK video sites (which I liked). I am actually waiting for the online uploads of the Kazakh-dubbed, Russian subtitled version which begins today at the Kazakh 31Kanal & see how it plays out.

Meanwhile, Dream Dad maintains its silent lurking on the sidelines. As of today, 134 people watched in a video site the latest upload (Part 14 uploaded on August 6), a good 27 people per day (the viewcounts of these video sites are expected to be high among those serials with more mature audience because the latter would be at work when Dream Dad is shown on TV at 3 PM their time). A short visit on the VK pages, which appear to be the main outlet for publicity promotions, would reveal the rather lukewarm reception to the stars, and to the series itself.

This little kibitzing actually has a role: we are watching these teleseryes in action in the markets themselves. I just hope we make right insights & conclusions and act accordingly.

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