Praise the luck of Pinoys! We might just have a new loveteam who arrived just in time?
This at a time when the first Pinoy young love teams who have managed to attract the millenial entertainment social media in many parts of the world (the Big 3: Kathniel, Lizquen & Jadine), are maturing & risk losing their niche appeal (& with no Pinoy young loveteams expected to fill up their shoes in the international arena because strangely, all the young loveteams waiting in the wings appeal to a market which even in the Philippines cater only to peripheral segments). But perhaps due to typical stubborn pigheadedness, consistency is not a strong Filipino suit so we might us well expect ourselves to disappear in the near future in the eyes of the young international audience accidentally cultivated by the Big 3. Back to the backwaters of cultural inferiority?
Digolita will neither fill the gap to be vacated by the Big 3 among the young, expect the loss of the international millenial social media dominated by this group. The Digolita LT has a far different market (& a far shorter life span?). For a brief moment of the news cycle, they became an international sensation. Segments of the video below ( taken when the US President urged the Philippine President to join Ms. Pilita Corrales uninvited in a duet) were published worldwide by almost all the major news websites.
This at a time when the first Pinoy young love teams who have managed to attract the millenial entertainment social media in many parts of the world (the Big 3: Kathniel, Lizquen & Jadine), are maturing & risk losing their niche appeal (& with no Pinoy young loveteams expected to fill up their shoes in the international arena because strangely, all the young loveteams waiting in the wings appeal to a market which even in the Philippines cater only to peripheral segments). But perhaps due to typical stubborn pigheadedness, consistency is not a strong Filipino suit so we might us well expect ourselves to disappear in the near future in the eyes of the young international audience accidentally cultivated by the Big 3. Back to the backwaters of cultural inferiority?
Digolita will neither fill the gap to be vacated by the Big 3 among the young, expect the loss of the international millenial social media dominated by this group. The Digolita LT has a far different market (& a far shorter life span?). For a brief moment of the news cycle, they became an international sensation. Segments of the video below ( taken when the US President urged the Philippine President to join Ms. Pilita Corrales uninvited in a duet) were published worldwide by almost all the major news websites.